Dividing data, multiplying profits - AZA Group is creating their own Big Data lab using Synerise

Together with Synerise, AZA Group has created a laboratory for the management and analysis of data streams, so that no important insight on customer behavior is left out.


AZAGroup is a Polish capital group focused on the fashion industry and consists of three brands. Born2be offers fashionable clothing and footwear for women, men and children. The Renee brand offers clothes and shoes inspired by the latest global trends. Multu is a shoe outlet that offers many designs and models of shoes at great prices.


1. Replace unintegrated tools that do not achieve the desired business goals.

2. Analyze the most detailed customer behaviors and their impact on business results.

3. Implement AI recommendations:

  • on the website,
  • in the mobile application,
  • mailings,
  • after adding items to the cart.

Selected solutions

AZA Group chose the Synerise platform, which uses data and artificial intelligence to help companies respond better to customer needs. Synerise tools include automation, business intelligence and personalization of real-time communication, regardless of the scale of operations.

The AZA Group online stores now include:

  • AI recommendations on the website, in the mobile application, mailings, after adding items to the cart, etc.,
  • A/B tests covering all website traffic, testing the effectiveness of different variants and types of promotions,
  • dynamic content (banners, pop-ups, exit intent),
  • automation of mailings, SMS sending, web-pushes.


When choosing a solution, all companies offering comprehensive management of the customer purchase experience, both Polish and foreign, were considered. The choice of Synerise was decided by:

  • Synerise’s well-established market position,
  • the solution’s stability and security,
  • platform scalability thanks to infrastructure based on Microsoft Azure,
  • flexibility at the bidding stage and openness to the scenarios proposed by the client,
  • references obtained from other Synerise clients.
"Given the scale of traffic we support, working with data in an analytical manner was a big challenge. We needed a solution that would allow us to study all micro indicators and dependencies to manage sales and communication with customers. I am convinced that no other solution would be nearly as valuable to us as Synerise."

Szymon Jezierski, Co-founder of AZAGroup

Selected results

  • 18,71% Products bought from an AI recommendation account for 18.71% of the value of all transactions
  • 11% higher average basket value thanks to AI recommendations
  • 22% increase in conversion from AI recommendations by 22% compared to the control group


Synerise is an extensive ecosystem that enables data collection from any point of contact between clients and the brand, detailed insights into purchase paths, drawing conclusions and quick execution of personalized campaigns in many channels. It offers the ability to build custom metrics, dashboards and analytics that meet the current needs of digital marketing and sales teams on the client’s side. Together with Synerise, AZA Group has created a laboratory for the management and analysis of data streams, so that no important insight on customer behavior is left out. The analysis and continuous iteration of various aspects of communication with customers using Synerise allows AZA Group not only to improve the purchasing experience, but also to shape the pricing policy and increase company revenues.